Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Outside of school

hello~ i'm back? haha, after leaving this blog for like, what, half a year? so i'll try to fill up/summarize what when on in my life during the missing 'online' months..

i had my fyp, had my portfolio done, went for interviews, did the gradshow, had a alot of nice meetings with close friends, tried my hand cosplaying (i sucked, big time), maaaajor dramas darlings, gossip-kind; and loads of late nights and growing up; spending tons of money too =_= oh, and got 2 cameras! hahaha! a dslr and a polaroid :) thank you mommy daddy :D for the dslr~ hehe

It feels unreal? to have graudated and to be going on 20. 

to a certain extent, i can't even believe i graduated. before the gradshow, quite alot of us were sort of sighing and hoping that it would end soon. 'cause gradshow this year had alot of components that we couldn't control, and we reallly didn't like that. like the fact that we had zero sponsors (i have totally no idea who's problem that is though...? hm?) and i feel really grateful to the people who really worked their asses and eyes off this gradshow. without them we couldn't have made it through :D so, a reeeally big thanks to you guys~ :"D it might sound a little fake? but i really do appreciate their effort. 
i really did try to help out also, so that i would be useful. but i think i might not have been that helpful T_T that's the worse feeling for me :( just hoped they understood... i mean, i want to help! but its like, i don't know how to do the BIG stuff and can only offer the small services like cleaning and resizing photos, checking through the books...and there's always the part that's scared that i'll do it wrong and they'll have to put in extra time to re-do it. which i totally think that  might have been the problem. there were alot of UGHHHH stuff because of people and management problems, and still, i still don't like those people. hahaha. think that they were pretty undeserving to even be where they were in the book, because they were no help and rather more of a hindrance to the work progress. oh weellll, 'life's unfair'. D:
went to the TP gradshow too, and they were waaay better than us in eeevery aspect. i guess the only thing we can upstage them on is our commercial-bility. as in, we don't think that artistically, but more rationally, to give what the clients want, instead of being more concerned about the whole 'concept and art-visual understanding in one look'. well, not all of us i guess? hah...

fyp sucked big time. i'd still like to thank my teacher though! ahaha! poor lecturer who suffered because of me, also my poor group! haha! i can still remember the first thing we'd say to each other in class when we see each other is "have you done anything anot?!!" usually the reply would be "no eh!!?? you leh?" or "yeah, got a bit lah" HAHAH! *sigh* missing those days now. rather, i'm missing the times that i got to meet with my classmates, rather than the actual work. but right now, i'm still glad i got through it :D and got an okay grade for it! another thing was that i spent a pretty amount of $$ during this period of time =_= haha..
my teacher was also my portfolio advisor, and i still feel really sorry to him! >< for not being able to shoot 'Commercial Daily' with my classmate..haha. but hopefully we'll get down to it someday >D 

more updates soon...along with some thoughtful comments (feel brainless right now..haha)

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